Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Everything Hidden :: Knowledge Papers

Everything Hidden Questions that seem to have only one answer Things hidden can be known by following clues. We know in practice how this is done and I have explained in some detail what goes on in this rather complicated but interesting process (see for example Essay 2). But what about things not hidden. Can things not hidden be known? My question here is not how things not hidden can be known, but merely whether they can be known. If I ask how things not hidden can be known I will receive diferent answers. For example some wil say things not hidden are known by the senses. The senses reveal to us what these things are; that's why they are not hidden. But others will say no; the senses do not reveal; they hide, they deceive. The mind reveals; the mind lets us know what the real things are; things that are not hidden are known directly by the mind. There are many answers to the question how things not hidden can be known, but this is not the question I am asking. The question I am asking is whether things not hidden can be known. With the question how things not hidden can be known there are many answers. But it is diferent with the question whether things not hidden can be known. With this question there seems to be only one answer. Things not hidden, of course they can be known—this I think is what most people wil say. They may not agree among themselves how things not hidden can be known but they wil agree things not hidden can be known. If things not hidden cannot be known what can be known? To the question whether things not hidden can be known there is only one answer. Or so it seems. There is another question which seems to have only one answer: Is there anything not hidden? To this question the only answer seems to be of course there are things not hidden. We may disagree as to what these things are and how they are known, but it seems there must be some things that are not hidden. It is not possible that there is nothing not hidden. If there is nothing not hidden it means everything is hidden. How is it possible that everything is hidden? If everything is hidden how can we know anything?

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