Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bread Mold Experiment Lab Report

Title: Bread Mold Lab Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth. Hypothesis: I hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water. Materials: BreadPlastic cupWaterRubber bandPlastic wrapLightScaleSeizers Procedures: Day 1.Cut two pieces of bread 1 by 1Place the beard in two separate cupsPut 11 drops of water on one of the pieces of breadCover cups with plastic wrapPut rubber bands around each cupPlace cups on scale to weigh themDay 2. Observe the mold or any changes to the breadReweigh bread to see the difference in weightRecord your dataDispose of the bread and/or of the moldData: Both pieces of bread were stale. There was no bread mold on ether pieces of bread. The bread stayed the same size. No change in the color of the bread. Weight of bread before and after a week: Before one week: 5. 5 grams After one week: 5. 5 grams Dry bread: 5. 5 grams Moist bread: 6. 0 grams Questions: 1. What does your data show about the effect of your Variable on Rhizopus growth?The data from my experiment show that 11 drops of water does not help the growth of bread mold. Â  2. Were you surprised by the results of your experiment?Yes, I was surprised because I thought water would accelerate the growth of bread mold. Â  3. What part of designing and carrying out an experiment did you find difficult?This was not that hard of an experiment, I did not find one part to be more difficult than the any of the other parts. Â  4. If you were to do further research into bread mold growth, which of the other variables would you be interested in testing.I would be interested in air as a variable because I think it affected my research on water and bread mold. Â  Conclusion: The data does not support my hypothesis on water making bread mold grow faster. I don’t think this was a good experiment because we put the bread in an airtight cup by covering the top with plastic wrap and putting a rubber band around it. If this was useable data it would show the 11 drops of water was not near enough water to make bread mold grow any faster.

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