Saturday, September 28, 2019

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol abuse Essay Alcoholism is an overwhelming desire to drink alcohol, even though it is causing harm. Alcohol is a drug. In the United States alcoholism is the most widespread form of drug abuse, effecting at least 5 million people. About one third of high school students in the US are thought to be influenced drinkers. Many already may be alcoholics. A person who is dependent on alcohol is called an alcoholic. Drunk drivers account for one half of all fatal automobile accidents each year in the US. Alcoholism also creates many severe physical problems. More then three drinks a day, over a few weeks causes destructive danger in the liver. Changes in the brain and nervous system result in hostile behavior. A family or individual with an alcoholism problem is in serious trouble because the alcoholics main goal is to get something to drink. The drinking usually continues until the person is drunk. Family, friends and work are little concern compared to the need for alcohol. Drunkenness limits the alcoholics control of normal behavior and to perform the easiest functions. Many resources can help but two rules apply to recovery. One is that the alcoholic must accept the fact that there is a real problem and must decide to stop drinking. An alcoholic must also realize that any form of alcohol is literally poison. When in recovery an alcoholic could never take another drink. First of all you will notice that an alcoholic will often gulp their drinks, they can probably drink a lot before they get drunk, they may stay drunk for several days, they will also have a favorite drink, and may change their favorite drink to another. They may also hide their drinking. Alcoholism is an illness and is very common. It is very hard for an alcoholic to stop drinking because they know how they feel when they do not drink. Alcoholics usually try to stop drinking because they maybe have hurt someone they love or may also be on the verge of losing their job. People who stop drinking sometimes may have to go to the hospital for a period of time, this is called detoxification. This is the best way for treatment when it is hard for them to stop. The withdrawal symptoms are things such as shaking, sweating, fever, pains and nausea. These can be severe and dangerous to that persons health. After detoxification comes rehabilitation this is a period of time which the person starts to recover mentally and physically. Most alcoholics will go to AA meetings during this time. This is where they can go and meet other alcoholics just like them. Effects on the Body Alcohol also effects the kidneys, another major internal organ. When drinking alcohol urination increases due to changes in the hormone aldosterone. This is what regulates water in the body. So it is not uncommon to experience an increase in the urge to urinate while intoxicated. The liver, however, is effected the most. Liver damage may occur in three irreversible stages. The first stage is called Fatty Liver. This is where the liver cells are worked in with abnormal fatty tissue, enlarging the liver. Second there is Alcoholic Hepatitis. Liver cells swell, become inflamed, and die, causing blockage. Last, the more advanced alcoholic liver now has Cirrhosis: a fibrous scar tissue forms in place of healthy cells, obstructing the flow of blood through the liver. Various functions of the liver deteriorate with often fatal results. A diseased liver cannot convert stored glycogen into glucose, thus lowering blood sugars and producing hypoglycemia an important function in the liver related problems and 5,685 deaths indirectly due .

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