Sunday, April 12, 2020

Essay Examples - Questions: What Should I Do If I Were President and Wanted to Build a Wall Around New York City?

Essay Examples - Questions: What Should I Do If I Were President and Wanted to Build a Wall Around New York City?If I were president, I would go ahead and build a fence around New York City. Like it or not, the city is now a nation of immigrants. The majority of these people have little to no ties to this country.Migrants come here seeking employment and opportunity. They arrive often. Many times they will be from a war torn country. As long as the wall is up, they will continue to enter the United States as well.Freedom is another key component to the American Dream. So many migrants want to gain freedom and earn a better life for themselves. If I were president, I would set up a program where migrants from Mexico can enter the United States on visas. And not just one visa, but many.They would be allowed to stay here, work, and then go home, and come back. Just like a worker who is coming to work on a piece of equipment, then leaves and returns. Just like with students who are stayi ng for a semester, then return to their countries. I believe that this would be good for workers, as well as those in the workforce.Another powerful tool to enforce our laws and protect Americans is keeping people from entering illegally. We know they want to come in here, but we don't know where or when. Wouldn't it be better to have the law enforced, and have new laws put in place. This means that all migrants should have to undergo an immigration check when they come into the country. Only then will they get a visa.In addition, these immigration checks must also include anyone who has family members who are U.S. citizens. Yes, this includes your nieces and nephews. With this new way to enforce our laws, we will have a powerful tool for keeping people out of the country who are here illegally.The third pillar of my plan to keep Americans safe, is immigration checks. This means that once I am president, we will have a systematic plan in place to screen people coming into this count ry. We must keep the immigrants from coming here if they do not support the United States. Those coming in here illegally should face deportation and they will not be allowed to obtain permanent residency status.

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