Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Free Essays on Weather And Climate

A moment’s view of the atmosphere is considered weather. Weather is determined by the temperature, wind, and precipitation when recorded at a specific moment in time. The climate is considered over many moments in time. Climate is dependant on the changes in the weather over a period in time. Weather and Climate don’t differ as much as they play a part in how the other is determined. Air temperature plays a major part in how weather and climate counteract. The intensity and duration of radiation from the sun is how temperature is determined. Those factors along with the amount of water vapor in the air, the degree of cloud cover, nature of the earths’ surface and elevation above sea level together make up the temperature at any given location. The temperature today is what the weather is like, but the varying temperatures throughout the year in one location is one of the factors that determine the climate. Barometric readings are a normal part, along with the recorded temperature of every weather report. Air Attempts to achieve equilibrium by evening out measure imbalances which results from heating and cooling. The greater the differences in air pressure between places the greater the wind. Wind can play a major part in the climate of the area. Ascending air can expand easily because less pressure is on it causing precipitation. Precipitation is any form of water particles as in rain, sleet, snow or hail, that fall from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface. When heat from the lower air spreads through a larger volume, the mass of air becomes cooler. Cool air is less able to hold water vapor than warm air. Causes of weather changes that occur as hair from high-pressure zones flows toward low pressure areas, fronts pass and waves develop, dew points are reached, and sea breezes arise. Parts of the world experience these changes more rapidly and more often than do other parts. Day-to-day weather condi... Free Essays on Weather And Climate Free Essays on Weather And Climate A moment’s view of the atmosphere is considered weather. Weather is determined by the temperature, wind, and precipitation when recorded at a specific moment in time. The climate is considered over many moments in time. Climate is dependant on the changes in the weather over a period in time. Weather and Climate don’t differ as much as they play a part in how the other is determined. Air temperature plays a major part in how weather and climate counteract. The intensity and duration of radiation from the sun is how temperature is determined. Those factors along with the amount of water vapor in the air, the degree of cloud cover, nature of the earths’ surface and elevation above sea level together make up the temperature at any given location. The temperature today is what the weather is like, but the varying temperatures throughout the year in one location is one of the factors that determine the climate. Barometric readings are a normal part, along with the recorded temperature of every weather report. Air Attempts to achieve equilibrium by evening out measure imbalances which results from heating and cooling. The greater the differences in air pressure between places the greater the wind. Wind can play a major part in the climate of the area. Ascending air can expand easily because less pressure is on it causing precipitation. Precipitation is any form of water particles as in rain, sleet, snow or hail, that fall from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface. When heat from the lower air spreads through a larger volume, the mass of air becomes cooler. Cool air is less able to hold water vapor than warm air. Causes of weather changes that occur as hair from high-pressure zones flows toward low pressure areas, fronts pass and waves develop, dew points are reached, and sea breezes arise. Parts of the world experience these changes more rapidly and more often than do other parts. Day-to-day weather condi...

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