Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wireless Technologies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Wireless Technologies - Research Paper Example This paper aims to discuss wireless technologies with respect to its initial development, current status and the future prospects. Introduction to Wireless Technologies Few decades back the wireless technology was an unreal phenomenon for a common man but today millions of people communicate with each other through the wireless networks. This clearly represents that the wireless technology has undergone tremendous success in the last few years which has made it not only publically available rather it has also advanced the computer communication systems. In broader terms, wireless technology has its roots in the radio waves which travel through the space with the help of electronic signals (Mathias, 2004). Comer in his book related to the computer networking argues that no single model can actually explain the real theory behind the development of wireless technology (Comer, 2008). However, this can only be understood by rigorously investigating the initial development of electricity, electromagnetism and the radio waves. Although the wireless technology is significantly complex in nature but it has brought flexibility, value and ease in terms of communication and business networking. It functions on the basis of electromagnetic energy such as the radio waves, laser, infrared etc. The most common examples of wireless technology are the T.V. remote controller and the cellular devices. In internet or Local Area Networks more complex forms of data transferring systems are used which help in fast communication between two or more computers. This signifies that the fundamental purpose of wireless technologies is to provide safe and reliable platform for data transference. Hence the modern scientists are now striving to increase the strength of wireless internet (Mathias, 2004). Wireless Technologies of the Past How and why Wireless Technology was first developed? Research indicates that the wireless technology was actually initiated some 200 years ago when Benjamin F ranklin conducted his renowned kite experiment. The radios, mobile phones and the internet that we use today are a result of continuous improvement and experiments over the time. Wireless Technology does not evolved through single experiment rather it was followed by electromagnetic theory, highly significant inventions and the development of radio waves (Mathias, 2004). In 1747, Franklin actually proposed an electricity model which gave way to the development of fast, highly reliable and cheap wireless system. Franklin was primarily working on the electricity generation however, during his experiments he realized and later concluded that electricity can actually move through the air medium. In 1819, A Danish physicist identified the astonishing relationship between magnetic and electric field. He observed that the needle of a compass was moving when placed into the electric field. This phenomenon was later termed as electromagnetism. Michael Faraday, in 1831 built the very first ge nerator which was operated through direct current. Although his experiment was not beneficial in the way of wireless technology but it did provide a clear way to the future scientists to work upon (Mathias, 2004). Later James Clerk Maxwell gave the theories on electromagnetic waves travelling through the space. These actually laid the foundation of wireless technology. These equations were then used by Heinrich Hertz who invented the oscillator in 1887 which helped in the creation of radio waves. Thereafter the FM radio, electronic tube and the digital decoding systems were developed. These were then linked with the wireless

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