Friday, August 23, 2019

Metamorphosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Metamorphosis - Essay Example Some sort of psychological grounding will have to be found out for such an occurrence. The presence of an insect anywhere within the house, is the most unwelcome feature but Samsa is one (transformed into beetle perhaps with his own volition) and members in the household accept the fact for the reasons best known to them. The readers of the story are expected to go with the fact to enable them appreciate the developments that take place in the family consequent to the isolation of the prime member from the mainstream dispositions and activities of a normal household. Insects live a regulated life within the perimeters bestowed to them by Nature. Before his transformation Gregor lives such a life, comparatively lackluster and remains engrossed in his work. He does his best to provide for the secular necessities of the family. He has no friends circle, no hobbies that make his life passionate, and no close interaction with the family members except with his sister. Why the family does not involve him in day to day small incidents of happiness and sorrow is not explained in the story, but the fact is that he is a marginalized member and this realization intensely bothers him leading to his ‘transformation as the beetle.’ In fact, that is his mental sickness that shapes into a beetle and his cynicism is the cause for that to happen. The family expects of him to provide for them, nothing more, and nothing less. Just as an ant or the worker-bee labors without intermission for providing food for the rest of the members of the nest, Gregor carries on with his life solely for the benefit of others. His life becomes totally regimented devoid of any fun and sacrifice for others become the watchword for him. He just works, that’s all without any essential human dignity or charm. No thanks or words of gratitude for him and the family expect him to do what he does, as if it is his bounden duty. He owns total responsibility on his shoulders, for issues

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