Friday, July 26, 2019

Hot house song Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hot house song - Essay Example There is trading depicted where the four; Dizzy Gillespie, Parker, George and Stan Levy change turns from trumpet to piano then to trumpet as the drums are being played at the background. The role of the guitar is to give a fast tempo to the melody as the drums gives the transition sound change from trumpet to piano. The piano and trumpet are the main instruments giving the harmonic structure of the melody. The sequence of events in the melody begins with Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker introducing the melody at the same time as Stan Levy plays drums in the background. Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie play alto sax and trumpet in turns respectively. Later George Shearing play the piano alone after the trumpet and finally the melody is concluded by Dizzy and Parker. Dizzy appear to be the main soloist. His participation is impressive since he shows facial expressions implying he is filling the melody within himself. The solo is successful in the melody since his facial expression attracts the audience attention and interest.

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