Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Night by Elie Weisel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Night by Elie Weisel - Essay Example The story opens up to the feelings of Eliezer, his faith in God, and how his relationship particularly changed with his father throughout the novel. As Eliezer goes on to suffer some of the worst scenarios of the holocaust, he develops a strange relationship with his father. The only perception of his father is what he narrates himself, thus the readers do not know what the father thinks or feels. Throughout the novel, it is evident that his father, Shlomo, remains a constant factor that is with him at all times. His father is an old, emotional man, who loved Eliezer and is totally dependent on him for support. As the story begins, Eliezer starts to suffer at the hands of the Nazis, and that slowly gets him to lose his faith in God. He and his father survive the severe conditions together and he helps his old father as much as he can. Even though the cruelties have led Eliezer to lose faith in God and trust in all the people around him, he manages to maintain the bond of love that he has for his father. He thinks of his father and cares for him as he says â€Å"I was thinking of my father. He must have suffered more than I did† (Wiesel 56). Even though he sees many people in his camp that beat their fathers and abuses them out of frustration, he controls his fears and lets the father-son relationship be the factor that keeps him struggling. He also prays to the Lord to give him strength to never do what other children have done to their fathers. However, there is a time in the story when Eliezer explains his experience with some worse conditions. He faces intense situations which breaks him to pieces and takes away all the love, care, patience, and faith from his heart. In fact, there are many moments in the story when Eliezer describes his numb feeling towards his father and then how he tries to wash it away. At one occasion he says â€Å"I stood petrified. What

Monday, October 28, 2019

Theory of the 1970s and minimalism Essay Example for Free

Theory of the 1970s and minimalism Essay The Extended and the minimalism in the generative tradition are notions used in linguistics which explains different aspects of the language. The Extended Standard Theory was formulated in the late 1960s to early 1970s and specifically in 1965 to 1973 (Chomsky, 1965) while the minimalism started way back in the 1950s. They have both been used over time by learners in different times for criticism and for learning and understanding linguistics. The Extended Standard Theory has two features namely the syntactic constraints and the generalized phrase features also known as the X-bar theory. The X-bar theory is a linguistics theory component which attempts to identify syntactic features common to all languages. It explains that all languages have some certain shared structural similarities, including the ‘X-bar’ which does not appear in traditional phrase. On contrary, Chomsky (1995) discussed how minimalist approaches to phrase structure have resulted in ‘Bare Phrase Structure’ which attempts to eliminate X-bar Theory. Therefore in as much as the Extended Standard Theory uses the X-bar theory to explain syntactic features common to all languages, the minimalism in the generative tradition explains that all languages have some certain shared structural similarities. Minimalism program is a much transformational grammar inspired by Chomsky. The program aims at the further development of ideas involving economy of derivation and economy of representation which had become important earlier. Economy of derivation in this aspect is a principle stating movements and occurs in order to match interpretable features with uninterruptable features such as inflection. Inflection is also referred to as inflexion and helps modify word forms to handle grammatical relations and relational categories such as tense, gender, case or mood. The principle of economy of representation is that structures must exist for a purpose and should satisfy constraints. Another aspect of minimalism thought is the idea that, the derivation of synaptic structures should be uniform in that rules should not be stipulated as applying at arbitrary points in a derivation, but instead applies throughout derivations. Minimalism in the generative tradition also tries to give a distinction of deep structure of a linguistic expression with a theoretical construct that seeks to unify several related structures. The Extended Standard Theory on the other hand does not describe any of the two derivations but works with syntactic constraints and the generalized phrase features. The usage of the term ‘transformation’ in linguistics refers to a rule that takes an input typically called the Deep Structure (in the Standard Theory) or D-structure (in the Extended Standard Theory or government and binding theory) and changes it in some restricted way to result in a Surface Structure (or S-structure). An example of a transformation in TG is the operation of subject-auxiliary inversion. Subject- auxiliary in English occurs when an auxiliary verb precedes a subject. By the time of the Extended Standard Theory in the 1970s, due to the work of Joseph Emonds on structure preservation, transformations came to be viewed as holding over the trees. By the late 1980s at the end of the government and binding theory, transformation were viewed not as mere structure changing operations but as ways to add information to already existing trees by coping constituents. Earlier there was a conception that transformations were construction- specific devices but this was made clearer s discussed above. The minimalist program on the other hand was a radical revision of the theory. The Extended structural Theory emphasizes on the importance of modern formal mathematical devices in the development of grammatical theory. The minimalism in the generative tradition on the other hand does not emphasize on the importance of formal mathematical devices. The generative tradition is a technical as it is well understood that linguistic processes are in some sense creative for expressing a system of recursive processes. The focus is has been made on the deep and surface structures. The deep structure seeks to unify several related structures while the surface structure is derived from the deep structure by transformational rules. In the Extended Standard Theory, more technically sophisticated proposals about the structure of language have been made. This theory argues that all languages are presumed to follow the same set of rules which may vary depending on the values of certain universal linguistic parameters. In a 1983 article, Newmeyer discussed how, this assumption is very strong and brings the big difference between the two theories of language. Minimalism has the idea that the derivation of syntactic structures should be uniform. This means that rules should not be stipulated as applying at arbitrary points in a derivation, but instead applies throughout derivations. Minimalism ideas and approaches to phrase structure have resulted in an attempt to eliminate x-bar theory. In conclusion, both notions; The Extended Standard Theory and the minimalism generative tradition may be somewhat vague and indeed the precise formulation of these principles is controversial. The practicability of these notions should be further evaluated regarding their success. None of the two should be undermined since both have some importance and are of help in understanding linguistics. References Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: MIT Press. Chomsky, N. (1995). The Minimalist Program. Cambridge: MIT Press. Hawkins, J. A. (1983). Word Order Universals. New York: Academic Press. Jackendoff, R. (1974). Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: MIT Press. Newmeyer, F. J. (1983). Grammatical Theory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


HIV/AIDS INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the 20th Century it was believed by many, including the United States Patent Office, that there was nothing else to invent. Now, 100 years later at the beginning of the new millenium the ancient Egyptian philosopher is more relevant, "there is nothing new under the Sun". While HIV/AIDS may be a new disease, there is nothing new about a novel epidemic, which can potentially or actually decimate a population. In the late middle ages, the Black, now known as the Bubonic Plague, swept through Europe killing virtually half the population. It was introduced by a single or small group of rats that came to Italy abroad a trading ship from what is now Turkey. Small Pox transmitted by trade goods from the Hudson Bay Company wiped out entire Native American tribes. There are other examples of diseases accidentally introduced to a population that had no genetic immunity to them. Not to mention NASA's fear of an unbeatable super virus from outer space. Now as in previous disea ses, one of the dangers of HIV/AIDS is not only in its plague proportions but also in the almost superstitious misunderstanding of the virus itself. In the treatment of all illness, it is necessary to understand the emotional, economic, psychological and sometimes even political impact that is brought about by the disease. This is particularly true with a disease that is as devastating and heretofore misunderstood as HIV/AIDS. AIDS is the punishment of God on sinners. AIDS is a plot by the CIA and the South African Government to wipe out the population of black Africa. AIDS is the result of medical experimentation during the development of the polio vaccine employing the use of rieces monkeys as guinea pigs. AIDS is this, AIDS is that; AIDS is the end of the world. There is nothing new under the Sun. As we enter a new millenium, we are still controlled by prejudice, fear and superstition. AIDS is not the end of the world, it is simply the latest challenge the medical community needs to meet. There are new things to invent including an immunization and cure for HIV/AIDS. But before that we must overcome the age-old superstitious fears of the unknown and rise above the prejudices that we harbor of, "those people". Let us understand HIV/AIDS. AIDS, the acronym for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is the end stage disease of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Citizen Cane Questionaire

Citizen Kane Questionnaire View the movie CITIZEN KANE (1941) for discussion in class on week four and to submit week five. Be sure to view the film at least twice before workshop number four. Read the information in this syllabus about this movie. Research it online at http://www. filmsite. org/citi. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Citizen_Kane, http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0033467/, http://www. cinepad. com/reviews/kane. htm, etc. Then complete the following questionnaire A. Literary Elements (Describe in one or two sentences) 1. Structure (storytelling formatThe storytelling format for this film was more of an investigation kind of way, searching for the meaning of the word rosebud. Flashbacks used throughout the film to fill in information that could lead to the meaning of the words. 2. Plot (story) The story is about a man who becomes a tycoon. While gaining riches, wives and possessions he loses his soul. He dies and some journalists want to discover the meaning of his dyi ng words â€Å"rose bud†. 3. Theme (message) The theme message for this film is that money and power do not make a person. Not all the power and money one person may have is going to fulfill the happiness one desires. . Three moral issues in the story Power cannot buy happiness nor can it fulfill it. There were a few social issues, one of them being family and marriage issues such as divorce. Kane’s fame and wealth cannot save him from his secret relationship. B. Mise en Scene: Theatrical Elements (give two examples each, noting briefly what you have observed and where in the film) 5. Unusual Sets/Backdrops A. ) The scene where Kane and his wife were at a cafe or restaurant and the back drop was a wilderness or forest and they threw in animated birds flying through the backdrop.B. ) Another element was enormous fireplace at Kane’s residence. 6. Historic Costuming A. ) Their costumes represented the era and their social status. B. ) Kane wore a thick, heavy fur c oat that represented his status; having great deal of money. 7. Notable Makeup A) Kane’s makeup in the early stages young and youthful and at the end, it showed him 85 and old-marriage scene, young and when his second wife was leaving him, it depicted him old with a cane B) Makeup shown when his second wife dressed up to sing opera at their theatre she wore heavy makeup . Composition (vertical lines, ceiling framing) A. ) There is a ceiling frame scene, where Kane and his friend come across the reporter that had fallen asleep; on the review of wife’s performance. The camera focused on his friend using a low angle showing the corner of the ceiling his head. B. ) In the theatre, during one of the performances the camera scrolls up looking at nothing but the structure of the building. As the camera, scrolls up there were walkways or railing that went across the screen. 9. High key lighting (happy)A) When he meets his second wife and goes to her place she is lit up and lig ht depicting happy. B) There is high lighting used while watching the marching girls; cheering and happy music playing in background. 10. Low key Lighting (mystery) A. ) There is a face in the dark when Kane goes to meet someone for information about something. The dark shadow over the face shows that there is a secret. B. ) In the start of the film appears to be several men in a darkened room; appears mystererious, searching for answers. All men stay in the dark when that scene ends. C. Low key lighting used when fireworks launched into the sky. 11. Notable Acting (and movement) A. ) The end of the movie Kane destroys his second wife’s room, breaking glass, flipping tables over, throwing everything on the ground, showing his anger, frustration and pain. B. ) Notable acting when Kane slaps his second wife across the face when she was complaining about the reviews in the paper about her performance. C. Cinematography (give two examples each, noting briefly what you have observ ed and where in the film) 12. Notable camera angles (low angle, high angle, etc. A) There is an extremely low angle when the boy receives a gift. B) There is a low angle during one of the opera performances when the camera looks down at the singing coach sort of under the stage. 13. Notable Framing (two shot, three shot, four shot, foreground framing) A) There is a three shot frame when Kane is typing the review. B) The scene where in the background, through the window, a boy can be seen playing outside. C) There is foreground framing in the reflection shot from the window of Kane dancing. 14. Notable Framing (close-up)A) The scene when Kane says, â€Å"Rosebud† with an extreme close-up of his lips. B) At the end of the movie when camera zooms in on Kane’s childhood sled focusing in on â€Å"Rosebud† 15. Notable lenses (deep focus, fish eye) A) The scene with the boy playing in the snow, seen through the window while his mother signs documents has deep focus. B) The scene where Kane’s wife is laying in the chair, the meds on the table; seen up close and the focus remains clear to the bedroom door in the distance. 16. Notable Camera Movement (crane shots, hand-held, etc. A) There is a crane shot; camera breaks through the sign and into the broken skylight into the El Rancho Nightclub B) Crane shot- Emily went to Susan’s home and going up the stairs into her home is one depicted. 17. Forced perspective A) The wedding scene of Emily and Kane are using forced perspective of the White House. B) There is a Scene showing Kane’s home, gate seen in the background on top of the hill. D. Editing—Assembly and Printing of film (give two examples each, noting briefly what you have observed and where in the film) 8. Special Effects (animation, matting) A) There is animation in two of the scenes where they show you a map WB. B) There is also picnic scene where animated birds are flying. 19. Transitions (dissolves, wipes, fades) A) Dissolving scene is when Thatcher, Bernstein, Kane are in a room, three are at a table and Kane is in the back. That letter reading shows 1929 and it dissolves. B) Earlier scene in beginning of film shows monkeys then it proceeds and you see the castle . In all that area all picture is showing dissolving.C) The Xanadu scenes were also dissolving scenes. D) His campaign scene showing his face in the background also dissolves. 20. Montage A) The scene at the â€Å"breakfast† table shows marriage nice and sweet then shows it falling apart. B) Another scene; Thatcher calls Kane Charles at Christmas time and he opened a Christmas present. This portrayed Thatcher young, Kane young, then next scene is reading a letter from Kane, and he is aged. D. Sound (give one example each) 21. Diegetic music A) When Kane receives the trophy.B) After the scene where Kane is typing the review. 22. Non-diagetic music A) After Kane leaves in the trophy scene thee is non- diegetic music. B) Sound transition; there was clapping going from one scene to another. 23. Notable or unusual music A) There is notable military music by the Teddy Roosevelt scene in the beginning of the film. B) The scene where you see the mannish woman there is echo and ironic music then you hear audio the audio transition and are less subtle 24. Layering A) There was voice overlay at the beginning with Thatcher and two employees.Thatcher is upset with Him for working at the newspaper and losing money. B) When Kane was throwing his big party with dancing girls there was laughter and chaos, much vocal overlay. 25. Audio transitions A) There is an audio transition when Kane yelling transitions into the horn honking. B) Audio transition scene when Kane is giving a speech and the scene transitions through different speeches. 26. Dead screen A) There is dead screen after the montage of scenes going through the newspaper headlines the film goes into a dead screen.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Othello Analysis Essay

Jealousy is defined as feeling and/or showing envy of someone for their achievements and advantages. Jealousy is known to be one of the world’s worst emotions, except jealousy is not an emotion. Jealousy is a deadly disease and should not be considered an emotion proving that while in a jealous state there is a complete loss of control. A person in the jealous state is completely incapable of controlling their emotions, behaviour and their intellectual process making them vulnerable in all situations. The play Othello written by William Shakespeare proves to be one of the most profound pieces of literature includes many characters that are diagnosed with the deadly disease that is Jealousy. â€Å"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; /It is the green eyed monster which doth mock/ [t]he meat it feeds on† (Othello, 3.3.165-167). A very vital and traumatizing symptom that comes with having the Jealous disease is the psychological loss of control. The diagnosed character is incapable of controlling their thoughts, often leading them to making unreasonable decisions. In the play Othello, we see many characters that are ill with the Jealous disease and are battling to keep their thoughts intact. Iago is one of the first characters to be introduced into the play who possess the illness. When Iago proves to have the symptom of psychological control loss, we can see it when he states, â€Å"I am not what I am† (Othello, 1.1.65). This is very significant because throughout the play it is established that Iago is really contrasting the character who he claims to be; loyal and honest. It is given that Iago is possessed by his illness; forcing him to be the deceiving, smart, and insincere character. When Iago loses psychological control, he makes a decision far too quickly, without processing all the elements. â€Å"Call her father, Rouse him. Make after him, poison his delight, Proclaim him in the streets. Incense her kinsmen, And, though he in a fertile climate dwell, Plague him with flies.† (Othello, 1.1.68-71) In this passage, Iago is speaking with Roderigo and has invented plans to destroy Desdemona and Othello’s secret relationship by exposing them to Desdemona’s father, Brabantio; awaiting him that the two have eloped. Iago does not take a moment to reconsider the steps he wishes to pursue as a normal person would, Iago does not judge the consequences of his actions or what affects might it cause. This passage is very significant because it is this one simple decision made by Iago that determines and introduces all the other conflicts later in the play. It is established that Iago is in a Jealous state, that he is not in control of his thoughts and should not be held accountable for any actions he may pursue. One who has what is deemed a â€Å"normal† intellectual process can move forward to collecting their thoughts to make rational decisions, contradictory to one who is sick with the Jealous disease who lacks to control their thoughts. As we can see through Iago the Jealous disease has a powerful symptom that controls your intellectual process and therefore someone should not be held accountable for their thoughts while in jealous state, for Jealousy is what triggers a character to performing abnormal acts, this leading to the next symptom, symptom of changes in behaviour. A person must always have control over their actions because as we all know, if they do not have power over their actions, it may lead to their downfall. Many characters in the play had uncontrolled actions that led to their own defeat as result of being in the Jealous state. The main character Othello, the brave Moor who was always taking cautious steps as a leader, quickly changed when he went into a Jealous state. â€Å"I love thee;/[b]ut never more be officer of mine† (Othello, 2.3.227-228). This passage proves the courageous Othello when he took away Cassio’s position, for the benefit of the citizens of Cyprus. â€Å"Devil! (s triking her)† (Othello, 4.1.228). This passage is where Othello is incapable to control his actions and slaps Desdemona in front of a crowd surprisingly to the original characteristics that defined Othello initially. If you compare the two passages you can distinguish the difference Othello in a balanced and unbalanced state. The illness that transmitted into his biological system quickly, took over his ability to have power over his brain. â€Å"It is too late. (he smothers her)† (Othello, 5.2.83). This passage is very significant because as the reader we know that Othello’s love for  his beloved wife is pure and he would never commit such a crime, but since Othello is unable to break his bond of the Jealous disease, Othello kills his own wife. Othello wanted to be the dominate power, and had no power over his decisions of actions leading to his downfall. The actions one takes are controlled by their thoughts and emotions which neither of is a person in a Jealous state able to control. The emotional trauma that one feels while fighting the Jealous disease is horrifying. They are incapable of controlling their emotions and have high mood swings, which can result in overpowering their intellectual thought process that moves forward into taking control of their actions. In the play we are able to see characters whose emotions are uncontrollable and change very quickly. First, we have Othello who is in a battle with his emotions when he learns that Desdemona may be having an affair. â€Å"Farwell the tranquil mind! Farewell content!† (3.3.356) This is the first quote from Othello and shortly after he says, â€Å"Villain, be sure thou prove my love a whore, Be sure of it.† (3.3.367-368) as we can see Othello is going from insane to angry, and he has no control over who he has rage towards, for a second it is Desdemona and the next second it is Iago. Othello conflicts with the multiple emotions he is feeling and is has no power over the release of his emotions. This signifies that Jealousy is a disease because Othello does not feel â€Å"jealous†; he feels many other emotions in this moment of the play while ill. Roderigo who also suffers from the Jealous disease also is unable to control his emotions. â€Å"Nay, I think it is scurvy and begin to find myself fopped in it.†(4.2.201-202)In this passage Roderigo speaks to Iago telling Iago that he knows Iago is cheating him. Although later in the play, Roderigo continues to work with Iago in hopes of killing Cassio. â€Å"And yet he hath given me satisfying reasons.†(5.1.9)As we observe Roderigo, we observe his different and quickly changing emotions around Iago. Roderigo although figuring out that Iago is not a good person, when in a Jealous state cannot control his emotions and feels that Iago will be loyal in the end, this leads to his own downfall because in the end it is Iago who kills Roderigo. This signifies that a character with the Jealous disease is unable to control their emotions and have emotions controlled by a disease. Just as they have no control their behavioural and psychological changes. All in all, through the play Othello we learn that jealousy is a disease so strong;  no one can control their body. Their emotional, psychological, and conduct processes all change and make it very hard to process like normal. A person fighting this illness is very unhealthy and unsafe; which often leads them to their own destruction. There is no medication to cure the disease and no one should be held liable for their thoughts, actions or emotions. We can use this lesson as an example to help us think of jealousy as the disease it is and find a cure or a method to relieve a patient from all that they go through when in a jealous state.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Plausibility Of The Parable

When appreciating a piece of fiction that pertains to the destruction of civilized society, the first criticism the book must face is whether or not the source of civilizations downfall is conceivable. The source of man’s downfall tends to be the general threat to characters existence, more often than not the adaptation to that threat being the driving force of the plot. When this criticism is directed at â€Å"The Parable of the Sower† by Octavia E. Butler, one finds a lack of a target. The effects of the destruction of civilization are widespread and rampant, however no true cause is ever revealed. Society, plagued by global warming and other detriments that Butler keeps unspecified, has collapsed. Los Angeles has devolved into â€Å"walled island neighborhoods in a sea of utter chaos,† (Butler, 23). Residents have been forced to themselves to keep from being overrun by hoards of homeless and starving just beyond the walls. Gangs of thug’s rape, pillage and, under the influence of a drug called pyro, burn whole neighborhoods to the ground for the sheer joy of destruction. Everything we take for granted today now comes with a price. No one can be trusted. Violence is a way of life. People hear gunfire so much that [they no longer] hear it, (Butler, 440). The world inhabited by the young narrator, an African-American girl called Lauren Olamina, is in an advanced state of social, economic and environmental decay. The energy crisis means you can see stars in the sky and people go around on bicycles instead of cars. But rarely do they venture out, except as armed grou ps of families, cycling out into the corpse-ridden hills for essential target practice. School is an anachronism. Lauren, a preacher’s daughter, is one of the few who can read. Her mother’s drug addiction while pregnant has left Lauren with a shameful condition – ‘hyperempathy’. If she sees a creature in pain she feels their pain and becomes temporarily disabl... Free Essays on The Plausibility Of The Parable Free Essays on The Plausibility Of The Parable When appreciating a piece of fiction that pertains to the destruction of civilized society, the first criticism the book must face is whether or not the source of civilizations downfall is conceivable. The source of man’s downfall tends to be the general threat to characters existence, more often than not the adaptation to that threat being the driving force of the plot. When this criticism is directed at â€Å"The Parable of the Sower† by Octavia E. Butler, one finds a lack of a target. The effects of the destruction of civilization are widespread and rampant, however no true cause is ever revealed. Society, plagued by global warming and other detriments that Butler keeps unspecified, has collapsed. Los Angeles has devolved into â€Å"walled island neighborhoods in a sea of utter chaos,† (Butler, 23). Residents have been forced to themselves to keep from being overrun by hoards of homeless and starving just beyond the walls. Gangs of thug’s rape, pillage and, under the influence of a drug called pyro, burn whole neighborhoods to the ground for the sheer joy of destruction. Everything we take for granted today now comes with a price. No one can be trusted. Violence is a way of life. People hear gunfire so much that [they no longer] hear it, (Butler, 440). The world inhabited by the young narrator, an African-American girl called Lauren Olamina, is in an advanced state of social, economic and environmental decay. The energy crisis means you can see stars in the sky and people go around on bicycles instead of cars. But rarely do they venture out, except as armed grou ps of families, cycling out into the corpse-ridden hills for essential target practice. School is an anachronism. Lauren, a preacher’s daughter, is one of the few who can read. Her mother’s drug addiction while pregnant has left Lauren with a shameful condition – ‘hyperempathy’. If she sees a creature in pain she feels their pain and becomes temporarily disabl...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on Organizational Behavior Main Barriers and Steps to Overcome Them

Analytical Essay Sample on Organizational Behavior Main Barriers and Steps to Overcome Them Essay on Barriers to effective communication in a group: Effective communication is very significant for the determination of the company’s trend. It is important to note that effective communication fosters the attainment of the group’s preset goals. Conversely, miscommunication leads to delivery of invalid information hence decline in the productivity of the group. In severe cases, lack of effective communication promotes misunderstanding between the involved parties thus may end up in conflicts. In order for communication to hold and be effective, the mode of information transmission ought to be reliable, and this will deem complete upon the reception of the feedback. However, it is difficult to attain effective communication owing to various barriers that deem detrimental. The management of every organization should enact policies governing communication within the hierarchy of the group to avert the encroaching barriers. Lack of trust Trust is one of the fundamental elements of any successful team. As highlighted, the level of trust progresses positively or negatively in each interaction amongst members of a given group (Robbins and Tim 316). When trust cease to exist between various parties within the group, then the information may not reach the intended destination in its original form. Lack of trust hinders the communication process in the sense that some group members may distort some information aimed at enhancing communication. This implies lack of trust is an impetus to information distortion and manipulation that lead to miscommunication hence making the organization less effective. Trust instills confidence amongst the group members hence the increased openness amongst the group members. This boosts the efficiency of the communication. Information Filtering A sender may intentionally manipulate information so that it appears favorable. For instance, when a manager tells his/her boss exactly what he feels, the boss may opt to hear only what he wants. This attitude tends to flow with the level at which an employee is in the hierarchy of the organization. However, filtering sometimes occurs in are status differences. Reasons of fear of conveying displeasing news and the effort of pleasing the boss forces employees often to convey only the message that they think their superiors want to hear. This distorts upward communications (Robbins and Tim 316). Selective perception and perceptual barriers An employee on the receiving end might capitalize on selective perception whereby he/she contributes to communication based on their respective current needs, motivations, experience, background, and some other personal characteristics. Likewise, receivers project their own interests and personal expectations into communications when decoding information. In some cases, the inferiority complex amongst the junior members of the organization may deter them from delivering the actual information to their senior counterparts in management owing to their fear of being fired. Information overload Our mind has a limited data processing capacity. In situations when we are bombarded with much information exceeding the processing capacity, this causes information. This becomes a barrier of communicating since people can only manage a limited amount of information. It is apparent that, the levels of understanding amongst the group members vary significantly. Some modes of communication therefore may deem ineffective owing to some members of the organization owing to their differences in various perspectives that may include education level, physical disparities, and other factors. Emotional factors Emotional status of an employee can cause one to interpret a given message in a different perspective. Some of the emotional disruptions are anger and depression. One can have a different interpretation to similar information when angry and when happy. Emotions in the work place may lead to withdrawal of an employee and distrust. In cases of anger, an employee can cause harm to others and become less productive. Language barrier It important to note that, various organizations draw its membership from persons of different cultural backgrounds such as race, ethnicity, and religion. Some of the organization members may find difficult to fathom the official language embraced by the organization. This is mainly due to the language barrier. The use of some anecdotes may mean differently to a faction of the group members. This is highly witnessed when employees get used to abbreviations. Language barrier is common especially due to the different age groups in the work place. This results to inefficient flow of information, and at times, it may result in misunderstanding among the employees. Silence Any rational employer should not ignore silence since it means absence of information on the ongoing operations in an organization. Therefore, it is important for the management of the organization to encourage feedback from its members regarding client satisfaction, job satisfaction, and other feedbacks with respect to their notices and press releases. Silence means no communication at all. Employees, who decide to go silent about what they are going through, may also suffer psychological stress. The senior management should encourage downward communication, job satisfaction and to solve the problem of intimidation. It is apparent that silence is less where the management holds the opinions of the minority with high esteem (Robbins and Tim 316). Poor communication channels Members of a given group can send and receive information in several ways; different types of messages need different types of communicating channels, with factors of time and distance. Some communication media are more effective compared to others; given the situation. Some channels of communication may deem slow hence untimely delivery of the information. Normally, the face-to-face (FTF) medium of communication is the most reliable means to ensure the correct perception of the information. California Pizza Kitchen scenario The effectiveness of communication has been significantly interfered with, at the California Pizza Kitchen, which is an established fast food company. It is apparent that the company is a global leader in fast foods. The locations of the company’s branches mainly dwell in the flight destinations and stopovers globally. Therefore, most of the company’s customers are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, and religious backgrounds among other factors. Recently, the company has reported a significant decline in its profits owing to decreased customers. The main cause of this is that the company has not been able to meet the demands of their customers because its employees are drawn from the USA and thus do not understand the expression of its customers whose native languages are not English with regard to tastes and preferences. It is also evident that there is a gap between the management of California Pizza Kitchen and its junior employees. This is attributed to poor commu nication channels between the top management of the company and its junior employees. Mostly, the managers use the notice board to communicate with the companys employees. This is ineffective in the sense that its employees hardly find time to check on the notice boards. This has led to the failure of the employees to respond to the demands made by the management through the issuance of the notices. Therefore, the development of cold relationship between the management and the junior employees is simmering hence denting the performance and reputation of the company (Robbins, Judge, Millett, and Waters-Marsh 253) Overcoming the barriers Lack of trust In order to address miscommunication that accrues because of this barrier, the management of the organization should capacity build its members by carrying out education workshops on a regular basis. This fosters the team building and inculcation of trust among the group members. By engaging the members in get-together parties and motivational trips, the members will be able to share ideas hence gain trust amongst themselves. During these meetings, the junior members will be able to interact with their managers hence get rid of the allayed fear whilst gaining trust. Communication in this case will be smooth and effective due to high level of trust amongst the group members. Silence and poor communication channels Silence means there is a lack of feedback to sender regarding disseminated information. The management of the organization should encourage its members to acknowledge the reception of the information disseminated and to provide feedbacks promptly. In order to avert silence, the management should involve all members in coming up with the most appropriate channels of communication that deems fit for members to receive the information and provide the feedback in a timely manner. By involving all members, the management will identify and do away with the poor communication channels. Language barrier The management of the organization should enact policies regarding the employee behaviors and the formal language embraced by the company. The full understanding of the formal language recommended by the company should be part of the hiring requirements. This will alleviate miscommunication resulting from the language barrier. Emotional factors and information filtering Depending on the nature of the information to be disseminated, the management of the organization should monitor the moods of the intended recipients before passing the information. In some cases, guidance and counseling of the intended recipients is necessary to prepare them for the negative impacts the information may have on them. Information filtering is therefore, not necessary.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Things to Know About Croesus of Lydia

10 Things to Know About Croesus of Lydia Croesus is just as famous for what he did, as for who he knew. He was connected with many other famous figures, including Aesop, Solon, Midas, Thales, and Cyrus. King Croesus encouraged trade and mining, and his resultant wealth was legendary - as was much of his life. 10 Points to Be Familiar With About Croesus Have you read Aesops fables about the clever and not-so-smart animals? Croesus gave that Aesop an appointment in his court.In Asia Minor, Lydia is considered the first kingdom to have coins and King Croesus minted the first gold and silver coins there.Croesus was so wealthy, his name became synonymous with wealth. Thus, Croesus is the subject of the simile rich as Croesus. One might say Bill Gates is as rich as Croesus.Solon of Athens was a very wise man who made laws for Athens, for which reason he is called Solon the law-giver. It was in conversation with Croesus, who had all the wealth he could want and was, seemingly, perfectly happy, that Solon said, count no man happy until his death.Croesus is said to have derived his wealth from King Midas (the man with the golden touch) gold deposits in the river Pactolus.According to Herodotus, Croesus was the first foreigner to come in contact with the Greeks.Croesus conquered and received tribute from the Ionian Greeks.Croesus tragically misinterpreted the oracle that told him that if he crossed a certain river he would destroy a kingdom. He didnt realize the kingdom that would be destroyed would be his own. Croesus was defeated by the Persian King Cyrus, proving how prescient Solon the law-giver had been.Croesus was responsible for the loss of Lydia to Persia [becoming Saparda (Sardis), a satrapy under the Persian satrap Tabalus, but with the treasury of Croesus in the hands of a native, non-Persian, named Pactyas, who soon revolted, using the treasury to hire Greek mercenaries]. This change led to conflict between the Ionian Greek cities and Persia aka the Persian Wars. Sources on Croesus and Solon Bacchylides,  Epinicians

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sitting course goals and learning objectives Assignment

Sitting course goals and learning objectives - Assignment Example It is one of the key characteristic in becoming successful. Setting goals and objectives for instructional processes are like shaping the destiny of the students. However, one major prerequisite is that the goals are rationale and achievable. Lousy and unattainable goals can be de-motivating as well as leading to lousy output from students. Teachers need to set objectives and review their instructional methodology to have a clear idea of where to lead the students. One of the factors which are not attended to most frequently while setting goals is student assessment. If instructional goals are too specific it might hinder their learning and compel students to ask again and again and hence spoon fed. When students have personalized learning objectives they might as well reciprocate and try their best to achieve them. As mentioned earlier, goals must be achievable. When students see such a goal they are likely to take it up as a challenge. This might include stretching old limits but since the reward or the sense of accomplishment is strong, students try their best to achieve it. When they know their effort or hard work would not go to waste, and rather it will be appreciated. If the teacher evaluates and measures each student’s progress quantitatively, students reciprocate it with greater improvement the next time as the evaluation is now â€Å"measurable†. A huge amount of autonomy can be bad for the students. Similarly, a lot of dependency can be even worse and students then simply follow instructions. And an â€Å"instruct-follow† cycle forms which can also be termed as spoon feeding yields less or absolutely no reciprocal as it is not mutual because the student is simply following the instructions. 2. Mc Keachie indicates that most of students learning occurs outside of the classroom through assignments that encourage students to practice and/or apply the course information. Given the vast amounts of information in our society, this seems

Financial Information for Business Decisions Essay

Financial Information for Business Decisions - Essay Example The global economy has undergone a drastic change due to recession and economic slowdown in different parts of the world, so on the basis of volatile economic condition, the companies have also changed their strategies and business models to survive in the market, and retain their position among the other players. In order to identify the repercussions of turbulent economic environment, and effects industrial factors on Wal-Mart, an overall analysis of the operations of Wal-Mart over five years would be done. Further, the competitors of Wal-Mart would also be analysed to gauge the position of the company, globally, in terms of market share. The financial analysis of the company would also reveal the financial stability of the firm, which would assist in deriving a conclusion regarding the effect of financial information on the business decisions of Wal-Mart. Company Overview Wal-Mart Store, Inc. is a multinational company which was established in the year 1945 and is headquartered at Bentonville Arkansas, United States (Yahoo Finance, n.d.). It is a publicly listed company and its shares are traded in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) with the ticker symbol â€Å"WMT†. The company’s stocks were first traded at NYSE on August 25, 1972 (Wal-Mart, 2012a). Wall-Mart is engaged in retail or supermarket business in various formats around the world. Wal-Mart operates restaurants, retail stores, supermarkets, discount stores, hypermarkets, supercenters, apparel stores, warehouse clubs, etc. The products offered in the stores of Wal-Mart include frozen foods, meat, dairy products, bakery products, baby products, beverages, grocery items, electronic goods, household items and so on. Presently the business operations of Wal-Mart are divided into three broad segments, namely: a) the Wal-Mart International segment, b) the Wal-Mart US segment, and c) the Sam's Club segment. Retail stores of various formats are run by Wal-Mart in all the 50 states of US. Along with this it also operates its retail operations online through The international segment of Wal-Mart has its presence in 26 countries of the world and is also in the business of operating its retail operations in all those countries outside US. The Sam's Club segment of Wal-Mart includes membership based warehouse clubs that are operated in 47 states of US along with Puerto Rico (Wal-Mart, 2012b). The US business segment of Wal-Mart operates its business activities which are divided into six strategic merchandise units. They are: a) Grocery, b) Entertainment, c) Hardlines, d) Health and wellness, e) Apparel, and f) Home. All these six merchandise units offer different categories of merchandise products through its various types of retail stores located in different parts of US. In the recently published Fortune-500 list Wal-Mart has been ranked second, just after Exxon Mobil. Business Model Analysis of Wal-Mart After getting an overview regarding the operations of Wal- Mart, its business model would be studied in a comprehensive manner in this section. The current business model would be scrutinized and the changes that have taken place in the last five

Friday, October 18, 2019

Are there any reasons, beyond the purely aesthetic, for us to be Essay

Are there any reasons, beyond the purely aesthetic, for us to be interested in the sounds of animals - Essay Example There are also arguments by Rothenberg (2013) that opine humans got their notion of dance, rhythm and synchronisation from insect sounds that have surrounded them through millions of years of evolution. Essentially, animal and insect sounds have shaped human sounds. He claims that the sound of insects has acted as a soundtrack for humanity in its entire history and presently, the sounds insects and animals produce are inextricably linked with humanity. From this perspective, this paper will research on the relationship and answer the question â€Å"are there any reasons, beyond the purely aesthetic, for us to be interested in the sounds of animals?† Sound can either be audible or inaudible to the human ear. Inaudible sound is further categorised as infrasound (those below 20 hertz) and ultrasounds (those above 20 kilohertz). The human inner ear has a spiral sheet on which sound plucks synonymously to the way guitar strings are plucked and fires the brain cells that constitute the hearing parts of the brain. When the firing pattern is varied, different cell ensembles are excited and the sounds associated to past experiences, thoughts and feelings. Animal sound is natural in the sense that they are generated by the animals in their normal soundscape (Seyfarth, Cheney & Fischer, 2010). Apart from humankind having the unique ability to understand or identify with the needs most animals, listening to their sounds is one of the key ways of understanding such needs (Rothenberg, 2013). This can also be viewed from the perspective that humans know relatively little on other creatures’ sensory world but, apart from visually, they can interact with them by listening to the sounds they make. Most of the sounds and the vocalizations animals produce are specialised for communication with other animals belonging to the same species. In mammals, sound is produced in the vocal chords (larynx) while birds use a special organ known as the syrinx to produce their songs.

What impact do hostile environments have on Soldiers Essay

What impact do hostile environments have on Soldiers - Essay Example Over 1.5 million troops were deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq between 2002 to 2007, several of whom, more than just one time. Thus deployments such as those, usually lead to work-related and personal stress due to long working hours, family separation as well as uncertain schedules. Even on their return from these hostile environments several soldiers continue enduring emotional and mental strain as they try to readapt and cope with family and civilian life (Hall, 2015). Inspite of the above numerous pressures, there has been no significant change in the rate of reenlistment. All the same there are numerous psychological disorders related with a hostile environment in war; for instance shell shock (Combat Stress Reaction) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD).PTSD is thus a diagnosis arrived by doctors on a frequent basis for those patients that have undergone key traumas such soldiers from hostile environment, car accidents and rape(West,2012). PTSD was discovered due to the soldiers returning from the Vietnam war, even though the disorder symptoms had been all along been identified with war veterans for centuries. The real emotional effects of hostile environment on soldiers can also be extremely distressing especially to the friends and family members, because it is seen as unfair that after all they have gone through, they keep on suffering (Ausenda, 1992). The two conditions; shell shock and PTSD are basically manifestations of the attempts by the brain to deal with trauma and unable to do so adequately. Thus with PTSD, a soldier will for instance re-experience and recall the particular trauma of the hostile environment ,maybe in their dreams or even while thinking or closing their eyes. Sleeplessness is another symptom of PTSD and comes along nightmares. Thus the soldier is aware that if s/he happens to fall asleep, they could be having nightmares; hence a vicious cycle results; so as to try and keep awake for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Military Service vs Civilian Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Military Service vs Civilian Employment - Essay Example The responsibility of a civilian is completely taken care of by an individual while in the military several things are taken care of by the military, these include healthcare, insurance and housing. Many things provided in the military like education and travelling are free or cheap. Serving in the military comes with a lot of benefits unlike doing civilian work; the benefits include free housing, healthcare, cheap education, and a chance of advancement and travelling. Also, it has long term benefits for retirement such as GI bill, housing and health care which is not provided in the civilian employment. I believe that military employment is better than civilian employment because it is more beneficial and more reliable these days. In this article I will compare military and civilian employment in terms of benefits and reliability, this will involve promotion, medical benefits, education benefits, opportunities for travel, pay, job security, opportunity for advancement, and freedom t o quit. Promotion in the military is achieved through individuals own dreams and desire for career progress. A military officer will be eligible for promotion after Serving for a certain number of years at a certain level. Sometimes, promotion is given if you pass a certain exam or interview. While in the civilian employment, to get a promotion, it will depend on when the payroll department can afford or if a person serving in that position quit the job or fired. Few organizations can accelerate once promotion depending on the job performance. For example, an employee who works at wall mart as a sales associate enquire for a promotion to be a manager but he was told that the company already have the branch manager and they cannot afford to employ two managers. After 5 months the manager quit the job and joins another company instead of being given the position it was closed and the company

Online marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Online marketing - Essay Example This makes, the study of the concept of online marketing all the more interesting and inevitable, in order to ascertain the various methods, policies and strategies applied by successful online marketing firms, to provide a broader idea about the concept and a wider understanding of the subject. For the purpose of this study, Inc, is chosen as a case study, which shall be used to understand a range of concepts, and theoretical aspects concerning online marketing. Inc., an American based (headquartered in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.) multinational e-commerce organization and is one of the largest online retailers in the country. It was founded by the Jeff Bezoz, in the year 1994 and was launched online a year later in 1995. Initially it was established as an online retail book store, however, in the wake of the overwhelming response of its largely diversified customer base, it was subsequently diversified to include a range of other products such as CDs, music, games, computer software, electronic equipments, apparels, food, furniture, toys, and the likes. At the time when Amazon debuted on the online retailing scene, there were already several other companies doing brisk business, owing to the internet boom. However, Bezos, with the help of innovative online marketing strategies along with revolutionary internet technologies which made the online shopping experience - faster, better and more comfortable and more personal as compared to the traditional retail, managed to survive, outsmart and eventually lead the pack of online stores. The success of the company could be ascertained from the consecutively profitable performances, which it has been able to deliver. Currently, the company has managed to achieve almost $6.8 million, in sales which includes books, DVD players as well as miter saws1. Products and brands are the inevitable

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Military Service vs Civilian Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Military Service vs Civilian Employment - Essay Example The responsibility of a civilian is completely taken care of by an individual while in the military several things are taken care of by the military, these include healthcare, insurance and housing. Many things provided in the military like education and travelling are free or cheap. Serving in the military comes with a lot of benefits unlike doing civilian work; the benefits include free housing, healthcare, cheap education, and a chance of advancement and travelling. Also, it has long term benefits for retirement such as GI bill, housing and health care which is not provided in the civilian employment. I believe that military employment is better than civilian employment because it is more beneficial and more reliable these days. In this article I will compare military and civilian employment in terms of benefits and reliability, this will involve promotion, medical benefits, education benefits, opportunities for travel, pay, job security, opportunity for advancement, and freedom t o quit. Promotion in the military is achieved through individuals own dreams and desire for career progress. A military officer will be eligible for promotion after Serving for a certain number of years at a certain level. Sometimes, promotion is given if you pass a certain exam or interview. While in the civilian employment, to get a promotion, it will depend on when the payroll department can afford or if a person serving in that position quit the job or fired. Few organizations can accelerate once promotion depending on the job performance. For example, an employee who works at wall mart as a sales associate enquire for a promotion to be a manager but he was told that the company already have the branch manager and they cannot afford to employ two managers. After 5 months the manager quit the job and joins another company instead of being given the position it was closed and the company

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Early Human Evolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Early Human Evolution - Research Paper Example This particular species is the longest lived and most recognizable of all human ancestors, they lived between, approximately, 3.85 and 2.94 million years ago In fact, the species may have lived for nearly 900,000 years, which makes them a prominent species for 4 times longer than modern man has existed (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History). Australopithecus afarensis was only a 1/3 the size in comparison to modern human’s today. It has characteristics of both human and ape ancestry. They possessed flat noses, thick, protruding lower jaws, a small brain, long curved fingers, and long legs that had adapted to upright walking. By studying their dentition we can learn about the kinds of foods they were adapted to eat and what foods they may have actually been eating. Researchers are confident that Australopithecus afarensis survived on a primarily plant-based diet, consisting mostly of leaves, seeds, roots, and nuts, however they might occasionally consume insects and small vertebrates like lizards. (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History). Australopithecus afarensis represented a unique bridge between the times when human ancestors began to walk upright. They had the ability to both walk bipedally, but also the ability to efficient climb and maneuver in the trees (Choi 1). In 1974 the first nearly intact sk eleton of Australopithecus afarensis was discovered. The female fossils, found in the Hadar region of Ethiopia, were given the name Lucy and she became the quintessential example of human evolution, inspiring a book, â€Å"Lucy: The Origins of Mankind† that introduced the ideas of human evolution to the mass public. (Hirst). Other famous finds have included the â€Å"Dikika,† or child skeleton and the Laetoli find, which included fossils, but, also, the first bipedal footprints ever found. Like human beings today, our most ancient ancestors were highly adaptable to their environments, so

Monday, October 14, 2019

Student Retention Essay Example for Free

Student Retention Essay Imagine that you are a second grade teacher. Your principal suggests that one of your students who performed poorly this year repeat second grade next year. Given what you know about the research on retention, how would you respond? I would ask the principal to reconsider his decision and to examine the student’s situation more carefully to make an informed decision. First I would present the scientific results on retention students. According to the scientific study, retention has negative effects on students rather than positive. It’s a misconception that many think retention will solve for the poor performance because they are learning the same material all over again. If the student is having poor academic skills, he will continue to have poor academic skill if it’s not being addressed appropriately. Retention will not address the cause of the student’s poor performance. On the contrary, when students are kept back, they are more likely to exhibit reactance displaying social and mental health problems, such as negative attitudes toward teachers and school, misbehavior, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and so forth. Also scientific research show retained students are 40 to 50 more likely than nonretained students to drop out of school. Moreover, low achieving children who are promoted learn at least as much, if not more, the following year, have a stronger self-concept, and are better adjusted emotionally than similar children who are retained. Second, I would present my suggestions and recommendations as to what to do with the student. I believe it’s more important to find ways to provide the learning supports the students need when they are not doing well at school. We need to figure out the root cause of the student’s poor performance in school and then address it accordingly. Was it due to inappropriate forms of instruction or would it be due to outside stresses. If it’s due to inappropriate instruction, we can find ways to adapt to the student’s learning style and then instruct accordingly. If more support is needed we can also provide one on one help after school as well. If it’s due to family stress, we will schedule a meeting with the student’s parents and address it at the meeting. At last, I would also convey to his third grade teacher about his situation and what he needs to work on in order to catch up with his peers. If the root cause is not addressed properly, retain the student for one more year might show some temporarily academic improvement, but the student is most likely to lag behind again in subsequent years. I suggest we look deeper into the student’s situation and provide the necessary support needed to do well in the class. Thirdly, I would like to schedule a meeting with the student’s parents and make sure the parent is aware of the current situation. We will inform the student’s parents of his poor academic performance and offer them the options we have to help the student. At last we will ask for the parents’ inputs and thoughts on the situation. I believe working as a team, the school, teacher, and parents will produce the best result. At the end I would sincerely ask the principal to allow sometime to rethink the situation to come up with a solution that is best for the student in the long term.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Social Protection And Social Safety Net

Social Protection And Social Safety Net What is social protection and safety net? Social protection is a broad set of public arrangements and instruments that help individuals, households and communities in managing risks and shocks well, assure a basic level of consumption to the extreme poor. Social protection includes: social insurance, social assistance, safety nets, social services, legal and regulatory protection. So that social protection should complement family, community, and market mechanisms for protect the vulnerable against livelihood risk, and enhance the social status and assisting the very poor. Safety nets are basically income maintenance programs that protect a person or household against two adverse outcomes: a chronic incapacity to work and earn, and a decline in this capacity caused by imperfectly predictable lifecycle events (such as the sudden death of a bread winner), sharp shortfalls in aggregate demand or expenditure shocks (through economic recession or transition), or very bad harvests. Safety net programs serve two important redistribution (such as transfers to disadvantaged groups) and insurance (such as drought relief). (World Bank, 2003) Social safety net is non-contributory, ex post intervention, it is paid for by the Government from general revenues includes taxation and development assistance, in order to deal with existing poverty or shocks that have already occurred and targeted to the poor and vulnerable. Well-designed safety net can protect the poor in the short term and it also can promote growth, for instance, it can enable the poor to engage in the economy by expanding their opportunities to take risks, diversify livelihoods, innovate, invest the human capital of their children etc. Safety net instruments include: unconditional cash and near-cash transfers, for instance, non-contributory old age pensions and disability payments; conditional transfers includes conditional cash transfers such as scholarships and conditional in-kind transfers such as food rations and nutrition and feeding programs; unconditional food and other in-kind transfers; fee waivers for health, education and other basic services; general commodity price subsidies includes for food or energy; public workfare. Social risk management concepts Arrangements to manage risks can be made in advance, before a shock has occurred risk reduction and risk mitigation can be taken into account. Risk reduction is arrangements that make it less likely that shock will occur, and risk mitigation is arrangements that ensure that if a shock does occur, the effects are small rather than large. Moreover arrangements to manage risks also can be made after a shock has occurred, coping strategies to deal with the impact of the shock Links between poverty, vulnerability and growth The poor are the most vulnerable group, they are exposed to diverse risks, so are more likely to suffer a shock; they have fewer resources to deal with these risks, so when a shock does occur, the effects of a shock are more serious for the poor; the rich can afford insurance, or use savings to cope, but the poor generally cant. High vulnerability makes the poor avoid risk, so they are unable or unwilling to engage in higher risk or higher return activities. Therefore reducing vulnerability is thus both a means and an end: as a means, reducing vulnerability expands opportunities and supports growth; as an end, reducing vulnerability reduces poverty, which is a goal in its own right. Shocks can affect people as individuals or groups Individuals Groups(geographical communities, occupational groups) Shocks Accident, illness, old age, house burns down, robbery, family business fails etc Macroeconomic and labor market shocks, war, riots, nature disasters, disease epidemic etc Safety net plays multiple roles in national development policy Safety net plays multiple roles in national development policy, such as reduce poverty and inequality directly by raising the living standards of those at the bottom of society; help households manage risk and vulnerability that experience a shock to keep their children in school, to continue eating enough, to avoid selling productive assets; enable households to make long-term investments; encourage households to innovate, take some risks, invest in their childrens education and health (human capital of the next generation); help Governments make policy reforms and ensure political support for reform by compensating those who suffer short-term losses due to reforms needed for long-term economic growth. Safety net is only one part of an overall poverty reduction strategy. à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ Sourceà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¡Kalanidhi Subbarao. Social Safety Nets: Concepts and Definitions. World Bank.à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° The figure above illustrate what safety nets contains and belongs, safety nets contains and also belongs a part of social protection, equity, social risk management and poverty reduction. Equity includes land redistribution, enforcement of contracts and property rights, universal education and safety nets. Poverty Reduction contains providing services and facilities to the poor, and safety nets provide security. Social risk management supplies insurance and safety nets. Social insurance (social security) These are ex ante, contributory schemes to mitigate risk that people pay small sums (contributions) in advance, generally on a regular basis. This entitles them to benefits when shocks or events occur, for instance health insurance, contributory old-age pensions and unemployment insurance. Social insurance is most easily provided for non-poor groups in formal employment who can pay contributions; have a little spare cash left after buying food and other immediate needs; and have regular, stable wage incomes. Social insurance is very important in developed countries and middle-income developing countries, and typically plays a smaller role in low income countries. However, some low income countries are piloting insurance schemes for poor people, In Ethiopia and India, the rainfall index-based crop insurance programs have been done very successfully. The disaster insurance programs have been done very well in Bangladesh. Steps in an overall strategy in developing a national safety nets system Identify major risks and vulnerable groups by collecting and analyzing household data; Review existing programs and identify gaps in coverage Review options for instruments to address each of these gaps Identify available financial envelope, such as raise taxes, reallocate existing public spending from inefficient and ineffective programs. Review institutional capacity and weaknesses Choose a combination of instruments to cover major risks and groups. Weave different programs and instruments together into a coherent system. In a poor country with limited capacity, likely to start with safety nets, but build up social insurance over time Social safety net in Egypt One out of every five people is poor in Egypt, and the poverty increased mildly between 2001 and 2005 from 18.36 percent to 19.63 percent. The government of Egypt has worked on reforms of economic, social and political transformation. This reform driven by the need to raise sustainable economic growth, and ensure that the poor benefit from it. The role of state also redefined, the state can no longer be seen as the job provider, goods and subsidies supplier. But the state is faced with the challenge of poverty reduction, and oversees the public interest and protects the poor and vulnerable. Furthermore, the Government must redefine the social safety net to improve people serves by expand programs in fighting poverty. Poverty continues to be a major policy challenge Poverty continues to be a major challenge in Egypt, with one out of every five people (about 13.6 million people) living below the poverty line. In order to attack poverty, a better understanding of who the poor are should be included initially. In Egypt, almost three quarters of the poor live in rural areas, in Upper Egypt, most of them working in agriculture and construction and with little education. Strengthening the social safety net In Egypt, while the social safety net provide assistance to the poor critically, benefit still many more non-poor individuals and group than poor, and do little to reduce overall poverty. Egypt spends about 2 percent of its GDP on the core social safety net, a roughly stable level since 2000. It does not have every type of program above, but resources are devoted to: General social protection (5 percent of GDP); Consumer subsidies on food (1.7 percent of GDP); SFD (Social Fund for Development) programs (0.18 percent of GDP); and Social assistance cash transfers from MOISA (Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs) (0.12 percent of GDP). The largest share of resources, 8.1 percent of GDP, is spent on energy subsidies to producers and consumers which serve as an important safety net but also absorb resources that could be better directed to the poor. (World Bank, 2005) Those numbers is significantly below most European countries. So that reform of the safety net is important for three reasons: firstly, the program often does not reach the poor and the fewer subsidies can not provide meaningful assistance. Secondly, programs are too expensive when subsidies taken into account. And thirdly, inefficient programs that with overlapping beneficiaries and objectives. Administration of Social Assistance Programs in Egypt Eligibility for MOISA (Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs) social assistance cash-transfer programs require applicant supported with document including family birth certificates and salary records at a local MOISA office. This assistance program supply more subsidies to females than males. Application is followed up with a home visit by social workers and a decision is made within 60 days. Total expenditures for the programs were 1.1 billion of Egyptian Pound in 2004, this figure includes pension and social assistance functions. Geographic targeting The geographic target should aim in overall poverty reduction, but not reduces poverty in the poorest areas. If all the existing resource devoted to poorest area, no matter the resident is poor or not, the uniform distribution would decrease poverty in the Upper Rural areas. However, poverty will increase slightly in the other areas. Nowadays Egypt use basic poverty map to guide projects, which contains regularly household income, consumption and expenditure. Smart Safety Net in Egypt The project intends to create E-Government, which brings all information and services of government for citizens online, and make service more efficient. This project started in 2005, and it will be finished in 2010. The card itself contains a variety of information as the number of family members, birth, death and other eligibility criteria, which will automatically verify the rations and accurate amounts transferred. Government of Egypt expected the smart-card system will decrease the cost of providing subsidies by 10 percent, and amount of saving is 400 million Egyptian pounds annually. This is a pilot project, which will gradually be expanded nationally. (Ministry of State for Administrative Development, ) Conditional Cash Transfer Programs (CCTs) Conditional cash transfer programs (CCTs) are a relatively new instrument that seeks to foster human capital development. The cash helps reduce poverty in its own right, compensates families for the opportunity cost of changing behavior, and is expected to contribute to long-term human capital development for the young. (Rawlings and Rubio, 2004) The target more focuses on vulnerable families with children. So that cash transfer can be an important mechanism to alleviate poverty, such as education and basic health care must be available for the poor. CCTs had a great impact in some countries, for instance, Mexico provided additional equipment and medicines in order to meet increased health services demanded; Nicaragua provided teachers and pay for school materials; Honduras provided direct CCTs to schools and health centers. CCTs become more popular in Latin America, Jamaica used CCT to replaced former food stamps and social assistance programs; Mexico used CCT to replaced the tortilla subsidy; Brazil created the largest CCT in the developing world by consolidating four cash transfer programs into the Bolsa Familla program. Using Nicaragua as an example, CCTs have a great impact in education, health and consumption: Nicaragua CCTs Program Impact Education (primary school) Health (children under 2 years-old) Consumption (Per capita annual) + 21.7% +18.3% +N$ 753 CCTs have also been a means to consolidate disparate cash transfer programs into more efficient, effective targeted interventions to support human capital formation. (Ayala, 2003) Conclusions Social safety nets are the most important priority, which deal with existing poverty or shocks have already occurred and targeted to the poor and vulnerable. Before policy making and action implementing, several questions should be figure out initially: Who are the poor and vulnerable group? What kind of risk face now? What programs against what risks? What programs cover what kind of groups? Where is the gap? What is the new challenge? For each program and instrument, the steps in developing national social safety nets can be: firstly set objects; secondly develop an implementation structure to clear define the institutional roles and responsibilities; thirdly, develop mechanisms for targeting, enrolment and payment, use technology to help policy making and action implementing, such as use poverty maps and smart cards in Egypt; finally, monitory and evaluate during the programs, which can be good experiences to learn. While getting better understanding of poverty causes and dynamics, however social protection and social safety nets still face many challenges, there is a need for a long-term strategy to fulfill a number of specific gaps in the future.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Poetry of Robert Hayden Essay -- Poetry Analysis

Although the majority of Robert Hayden's writings address racial themes and depicts events in African-American history, he also wrote short poems that capture his own personal experiences. Hayden has an enormous amount of great poems and short stories, but as I read through many of them, I was touched by two specific poems that I felt I could personally relate to. I chose these poems because I am able to put myself into the story-line and understand what the writer is talking about. I believe that a good writer is able to reach any reader regardless of race, gender, or age. Hayden possessed an incredible skill with his language and the structures of his poems that could almost pull the reader right out of their chair and place them in the center of his writings. Robert Hayden was born Asa Bundy Sheffey on August 4, 1913 in Detroit, Michigan. His mother left him in the care of his neighbors, William and Sue Ellen Hayden, when he was just eighteen months old while she left for New York. The Haydens never legally adopted Robert but they rechristened him as Robert Hayden and took care of him as if he had been their own child. Hayden attended Detroit City College and Michigan University. During his time at Michigan, Hayden was able to continue his lifelong interest in writing and acting. The most important part of this time was that he had the opportunity to study with W.H. Auden. Auden at the time was a visiting professor who spent time reading some of Hayden's works and giving him suggestions and valuable criticisms. Hayden credited Auden for helping him develop his own personal style in writing. After he graduated in 1944 he started his career as an instructor of literature, and Frisk University and then at t... ...d the research on this paper it almost made me dislike poetry more than I already had. I think that poems mean something different to each person. No two people will ever feel the exact same way about a certain poem. When I read the criticisms I disagreed with practically every single one. I don't know why one persons' opinion of a poem is so important that it is published. It makes reading poetry seem more like a chore and makes it hard for me to enjoy. If I read poetry it's because it has touched me in one way or another. To have somebody break it down differently than I would have changes the meaning of it for me. Everybody is entitled to have their own opinion but unless it is the actually writer of the poem explaining how he felt as he wrote this, no else will ever know for sure what he was thinking. The enjoyment comes from opening your mind and losing yourself.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Audit plan †Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable Audit Procedures Essay

1. Obtain an aged trial balance of individual customer accounts. Recalculate the total and trace to the general ledger control account. 2. Review the aging for large and unusual items. 3. Send confirmations to all accounts over $X. Select a random sample of all remaining accounts for confirmation. a.i.1.a.i.1.a. Investigate exceptions reported by customers. a.i.1.a.i.1.b. Perform alternative procedures on accounts that do not respond to positive confirmation requests. a.i.1.a.i.1.b.i. Vouch cash receipts after the confirmation date for subsequent payment. a.i.1.a.i.1.b.ii. Vouch sales invoices and shipping documents. 4. Evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts. a. Vouch a sample of current amounts in the aged trial balance to sales invoices to determine whether amounts aged current should be aged past due. b. Compare the current-year write-off experience to the prior-year allowance. c. Vouch cash receipts after the balance sheet date for collections on past-due accounts. d. Obtain financial statements or credit reports and discuss with the credit manager collections on large past-due accounts. e. Calculate an allowance estimate using prior relations of write-offs and sales, taking under consideration current economic events. Notes Receivable 5. Review the bank confirmations, loan agreements, and minutes of the board for indications of pledged, discounted, or assigned receivables. 6. Inspect or obtain confirmation of notes receivable. 7. Recalculate interest income and trace to the income account. 8. Obtain written client representations regarding pledge, discount, or assignment of receivables, and about receivables from officers, directors, affiliates, or other related parties. 9. Review the adequacy of control over recording of all charges to customers (completeness)-audited in the sales transaction test of controls audit plan.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Westward expansion in United State economical growth

The expansion of westward in nineteenth century was an important determinant of geographic distribution and economic activities in the United State today. The expansion of westward in the United State, so the size in geographical raises from the triple size to more than a million square miles, also the population shifted from seven percent to sixty percent where there was the improvement of productivity, technologies and transportation infrastructures, all this have lead to the growth of economy. The population growth brought the increasment of productive of the land. The decreases of transportation cost induced western migration to the productive lands, where the actual history figure of sixty percent, has raised because of improvement of technology such as the use of barbed wire to cut down on the time need to build a fence. The expansion of borders in United State, because of population growth and the production brought up by the immigrants. Dippel, 2005). Impacts of immigration had on American demography As the thought of immigration is being commenced in America, which means it is the first place that immigrates begin and it is the top of world the immigrates are living and all immigrations first started in America, where the first immigration are from northern and western Europe. This group of people was the first to combat racism because most of them were poor while fewer were rich. Demography in America resulted to major production and development of productive lands which interment increase the economic growth, whereby great number of immigration, the cost of labor and transportation was significantly to low price, this was brought up by immigration technologies. Impacts of immigration had on American economy The immigrates in the United State have less opportunities of getting jobs and also they are less involved on the participation on the labor in building the nation, but as newborns are matured in United State, later they cause a slit significant on earning and having employment opportunities. The immigrant made a tremendous impact on the American economy and they also contributed largely to the America society as a whole. Economic growth in America brought a great deal of wealth to the citizen, where the development of individuals raised from poor statutes to rich. The immigration has fueled United State macroeconomic growth where it brought uncontroversial and unsurprising income where more of total of workers yield more total output. The immigrant workers benefit from working in the United State is also uncontroversial and unsurprising fear were affect with well seeing of United State natives. (Villamagna, Armstrong, McBride, 2003). Impact of immigration had on America’s political climate While the discrimination of employments to the immigrants was of higher aspect, because of the basis of race, gender, religion beliefs, color or national origins. The political practices occurred due to the equal employment opportunity, which was an economic issue and had the impact on nation economic growth. How different regions developed on economic growth and social systems The congressional leaders felt that the labor for each region has to be equally distributed among immigrant so that to strengthen each region. Each region developed different because of the geographical and the population growth from each region. The sections were created through the western, northern, and southern ham sphere, where the blacks have their section while the Indian and the white Americans has their section. Black America’s migrated to south while the Native American’s are the north. Therefore, the sections where are divided according to the population size and the geographical landscape. In the responses of growing illegal immigration, the domestic migrants underlook the consideration of provision of rules and regulation that addresses the concern, as it implies for immigrants. For the foreign policy, provides the mention of terrorism images, where the American’s heads create the policy that provides to the investigation organization such FBI and CIA a clear network to handle with such crimes. (Conrad, 2005).

Origional Writing †Media Coursework Essay

After 6 weeks of non-stop sailing for the 14-year-old British schoolboy, Michael Perham has successfully completed his objective: becoming the youngest person ever to sail solo across the Atlantic, beating Sebastian Clover who, at 15, had held the record since 2003. Mike began sailing at the age of seven and has since completed the RYA courses in dinghy sailing and windsurfing, as well as being thoroughly prepared by his father (a qualified Yachtmaster). Before Mike could begin his incredible journey, he spent many long hours persuading wealthy companies to sponsor him so he could finance the trip. No easy task for a 14-year-old! Eventually, he managed to gather enough sponsors to buy the 2 yachts and all the equipment, safety measures and back-ups he could possibly need. His main sponsor was ‘Sketchers’ without whom; the trip would most likely have been called off. The RYA was going to be the main sponsors of the pair but they withdrew their hand after accusing Mike of using a category B yacht. The Tide28 did not comply with the RYA’s safety requirements and was not class A. However, Mike’s dad said angrily: â€Å"While that’s true, we have strengthened it up to comply with many of the category A requirements and it is better suited to our route. It’s frustrating that we did not have the chance to say that. † He also set up an online website with daily updates to his blog, and details of his trip, location and the charities he’s supporting. So far, Mike has raised around i 2,000 apiece for both BBC Children In Need and RYA Sailability (aimed at helping disabled people to get into sailing). You can donate to either of these charities by visiting Mike’s website at: http://www. sailmike. com/charities. htm. On the 18th November, Michael Perham, from land-locked Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, headed off from Gibraltar on the 18th November 2006 with the intention of sailing into the record books in approximately 4 weeks. With his father (Peter, 47) shadowing him, in an identical – 18ft – Tide 28 yacht – ‘Arturus’, he and ‘Cheeky Monkey’ set sail for Antigua. His route following the trade winds, tried and tested by seafarers down the centuries, had to include a last minute diversions to the Canary Islands and Cape Verde for equipment repairs. Having planned to cross the 3,500 miles and reach his destination before Christmas, the realisation that his journey time must be extended would have been aggravating but necessary. During the voyage, Mike has encountered all kinds of problems and pleasures, including: sharks; dolphins; gale-force winds and 25ft waves! Often on his journey, Mike was accompanied by the dolphins’ friendly presence or the sharks’ more frightening one, but throughout it all, the experiences were exhilarating, Steve, 39, head teacher of Chancellor’s School in Brookmans Park (Stuart, 39) said, â€Å"It was an opportunity in itself. It would be a huge learning curve for him. He would learn resilience and dealing with solitude, whilst keeping up on his homework, of course! † On November 25th, Mike wrote: â€Å"Had my first experience of squalls, they really do knock your teeth out! † which shows just what a challenge this trip was for him. Despite the Tide 28s being far safer than horse riding, Mike seems to have encountered every possible hitch, a matter confirmed by Mike’s publicist – Kizzi Nkwocha: â€Å"Almost everything you could imagine going wrong, did go wrong – mechanical failure, technical failure, shark-infested waters, waves the size of skyscrapers. † However, Mike coped remarkably well with all problems sent his way, including diving off his boat to untangle a rope from the rudder. As well as the large amount of sailing thing activities that Mike had to attend to, he enjoyed reading; listening to music; playing battleships with his dad over the WHF Phone; and, inevitably, homework. He also started to teach himself the guitar and he filmed his most extraordinary moments aboard ‘Cheeky Monkey’. Mike’s reception Antigua was very convivial, with a welcoming flotilla to bring him in, consisting of all sorts of vehicles from dinghies to speedboats. The response from the media was highly praising as was that from his parents, with Mike’s mum, Heather Perham, 50, (who has remained on dry land in the UK during the voyage with Michael’s sister Fiona, 16,) stating: â€Å"I’m really, really, really proud of him. Peter, said: â€Å"It has been very hard on him, he has had no Christmas presents, no snacks, no video games or T. V. and no company for 6 weeks now, but everyone here is extremely proud of his achievement, as is Mike. † However, the public reaction has been largely 2-sided – whereas it was expected Mike’s achievement would be celebrated, in many cases, jealousy or some other factor has caused much criticism of his achievement. The main objects of dispute have been that Mike was from an upper-class family, and so had â€Å"more opportunity† and the fact that his dad was following a couple of miles behind. One online correspondent even said: â€Å"So Little Lord Fauntleroy has sailed across the pond, big deal! † Whereas another pointed out: â€Å"If a force 10 gale had hit, Peter Perham would have enough to worry about on ‘Arturus’, let alone chasing after Michael. He would have had to cope alone. † To start with Peter said: â€Å"Michael said to me: ‘It would be great if I could do that, Dad. ‘ As a parent I just thought it was a typical boy’s dream. I never thought it would actually happen. Now he has been proven wrong – to his delight – and all in all this is a remarkable achievement for someone so young and he deserves all the praise he is given. And who knows how many people have turned their thoughts to the future already: Will an adventurous 13-year-old break Perham’s record any time soon?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Concert Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Concert Report - Assignment Example The other show was from an Encentrics band that was performed in Jammin Java in Vienna, VA. The classical type of music is an art of music with its origins dated back to the 1700. Its roots are based in the West and since its establishment has had a variety of performances. This type of music also ranges from secular to liturgical. Symphony is a genre of music that employees a length form of musical composition to be performed. They are related to the classical type of music since they were discovered in the same era. These types of music got their boost during the 19th century which according to scholars is known as the romantic period. The music would be played in weddings and other romantic situations. Classical music is subjected to various characteristics which I found out after attending the classical music concert. The music has gone through a lot of improvements due to the different in time since when it was established to date which adds up to more than five hundred years. T his has led to its broad variety, genres and forms of music. Before attending the music concerts, some of my friends had talked about classical music claiming it was ‘any type of music that lasts for a long time’. Other friends also talked about music where all types of musical instruments were used’. I did not believe at first until I attended the show. The show took an average of two hours. The classical team may have lasted more than one hour playing one song, an art that was done to perfection. Instruments in the orchestra included violins, pianos and bands. Another characteristic of the classical type of music is the type of literature that was used during the concert. The music or songs had been written as musical notations which lead to the creation of a score. In the concert’s case, the score determined the type f pitch and rhythm to be used in the song. It also contributed to the type of coordination from the performers. Another distinct character istic is the type of instrumentation used to produce classical music. The band used a range of musical instruments date back to the 19th century. The concert band used instruments ranging from the piano, violin, guitar, bagpipes and trumpets. However, the most noticeable instrument was the acoustic guitar has been used since the 20th century. The wide range of instruments through the band provided soft cool music. They all worked together in harmony to provide the required pitches and tonal variations. The band was also dressed based on dressings from the 18th century. The music had not changed much as compared to other types of music. The type of notes, pitches and tonal variation had not change much as I could tell from my musical classes. I could also tell from the audience that this type of music is loved by the older generation. This is because the music is soothing and does not have a lot of variation in tones and pitches which may lead to noise (Morin 10). The form of music a lso differentiated the classical type of music from other genres which came up in the renaissance era. I could tell that this type of genre has sophisticated type of musical instruments. They include the sonata, opera, and concerto among others. In my case, it was a concerto. The classical composers seemed to have a close connection with their instruments. The close relationship brought up an emotional feeling. This later proved the fact that this type of musical genre was used to in romantic situations. The musical is

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Fromm's Human Needs Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fromm's Human Needs Theory - Essay Example The article shows how Fromm’s ideas could be beneficial today. Brennen article â€Å"The Sane Society’: Erich Fromm’s Contributions to Social Theory† evaluates Fromm’s book The Sane Society. In The Sane Society, Fromm attacks Western capitalism and promotes a communitarian socialism. Fromm believed that without specific purposes like productivity and self actualization, humans are alienated and unhappy. Basing the foundation of his theory on Freud and Marx, he asserts that a communitarian socialism is the answers to the capitalism causing mental illness. Despite expanding on Freudian and Marxist thoughts, Fromm had criticism of both men’s ideas. In the end, this article suggests that Fromm’s views might have validity. This article explains Fromm’s theory on human based needs. Fromm had written a book called Escape from Freedom. In this book Fromm explains the evil of totalitarian regimes. The reason Fromm gives for individuals following a leader in a totalitarian regime is free of freedom and security about one’s role in society. He goes on to explain the totalitarian regimes are evil due to the obliteration of individual rights. On the other hand, Brennen’s article suggests Fromm believes democratic nations give too much freedom. This theory was laid out in Fromm’s The Sane Society. According to Fromm to be mentally healthy means working at a meaningful task, socializing during work, self actualization, and society working on specific issues together. Psychological issues should be considered of higher value than ownership or monetary concerns (Brennen 2006:8). This vision involves a communist type of government. Communitarian socialism is a government where all citizens contribute according to skills for the good of the community. This allows meaningful tasks can be completed, which in turn allows every citizen to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business Continuity Management & Its Critical Services and Functions Essay

Business Continuity Management & Its Critical Services and Functions - Essay Example As the paper highlights this century, businesses are at significant risks, which if not well managed may end a business. Therefore, there should be minimum legislative requirements for any business continuity plan. The purpose is to enhance business security through effective disaster management plans. Increasing requirements ensures business survival after a catastrophe. However, where the law requires a business to only trade with other companies in compliance with the regulations, it would slow down if not destroy a business in totality. The minimum requirements could also lead to closure of firms not in conformity with the law. In addition, managers could face dire consequences after a disaster that would result in disruption of the entities. The regulations would be acting as a discipline to such managements. While coming up with business continuity plans, disaster management and recovery of a company after crises drive the process. In this regard, various management tools face enforcement. Some of the most important activities of the enterprise to pay attention to include business security, management of documents, audit, information system, service level agreements, among others. All these components are of great importance in ensuring the survival of a business after a disaster.  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Deepening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Deepening - Essay Example This has been interpreted differently, while there are some that have assimilated, some did not have the capacity to go through the assimilation process. This kind of individuals, eventually gave up and held up to their familiar ways of life. We begin with a story comprising of two close friends, Amy and Jeehynum, who have had similar experiences in high school. At the beginning, the two friends separated, and one travelled to Korea. It is apparent that the two have been friends from their childhood days, and their friendship culminates in high school, at a stage where their lives are close together. The future is uncertain, and the two do not know what to expect when they relocate to a different environment. For Amy, she has a different experience in regards to her college life, which makes her get filled up with mixed reactions, as events unfold. However, she starts off nicely, gets new friends and finally begins to catch up with the new environment. For Jeehyun, college years have been tough, and most of the times she would often try to assimilate into the environment with no much progress. It is evident that the two friends are experiencing culture shock; a situation in which a person feels disoriented as a result of being exposed to a new way of life. There are many causes, of this scenario, the notable and most familiar one being, when an individual is exposed to a foreign land (Ward, Bochner, and Furnham). Culture shock is addressed in four defining stages, these are honeymoon, negotiation, adjustment and mastery. The honeymoon stage comprises of a healthy view of the differences that are evident in the subjects. The strange land at this stage seems to be good and at times adventuress. It is at this stage, where the subjects would find nationals that are familiar and at times speak their language. This stage does not last for long, after a short period, it can take about two to three months. The next stage